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Cet article expose les travaux de chercheurs de l’Université de Purdue (USA) qui ont mis au point une interface de traitement d’information en 3d ayant pour but de permettre à des chimistes de découvrir plus rapidement de nouveaux matériaux:
The method, called "discovery informatics," enables researchers to test new theories on the fly and literally see how well their concepts might work in real time via a three-dimensional display. (…)
Discovery informatics depends on a two-part repeating cycle made up of a "forward model" and an "inverse process" and two types of artificial intelligence software: hybrid neural networks and genetic algorithms.
"In the forward model, a researcher postulates a molecular structure or a product’s formulation and then wants to predict what properties that structure or formulation will have,"(…)
The inverse process is just the opposite: Researchers enter the properties they are looking for, and the system gives them a molecular structure or formulation that will likely have those properties.(…)
The cycle might be called a "forward-inverse loop," a method for creating mathematical models that are critical to the discovery process.(…)
"information technology experts use supercomputers to run the complex software for applications such as predicting chemical reactions and then "visualizing" such data on a three-dimensional, 12-foot-wide, 7-foot-high display in the Envision Center"
Si vous avez vu Minority Report ou lu La cité des permutants de Greg Egan et bien voilà, on y est presque.
Ah oui j’oubliais:
"The method will be tested in a new Center for Catalyst Design (…) funded with a three-year, $2.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy and $1.7 million from the Indiana 21st Century Research and Technology Fund, established by the state to promote high-tech research and to help commercialize university innovations."
Voila de l’intelligence économique bien comprise; rectification, de l’intelligence tout court.
Continuons sur ce sujet avec cette annonce d’Attensity, une compagnie financée en partie par la CIA (In-Q-Tel). Elle annonce la sortie d’une nouvelle version de son application d’extraction d’information provenant de données non structurées:
"Attensity’s sentence diagramming and parsing techniques allow them to get into the key relationships enclosed in the text."
That information can be fused with structured data to give a much deeper understanding of the whole information collected by an organization.
"Attensity is good at understanding the context of what’s a noun, pronoun etc.," he said. "So it can reliably dissect a document and then put the relevant elements into a table for you."
Attensity has also been added to the Defense Department’s Intelligence Information Systems Integration and Engineering Support Services Contract 3 as one of the teams that prime integrator Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. oversees.(ils auraient tort de se gêner).