Dans cet article Susan Feldman (IDC) nous explique pourquoi la catégorisation est indispensable à tout travail humain.
Elle donne les raisons pour lesquelles les organisations doivent l’utiliser:
- Provide a browsing as well as a searching feature on the intranet or Web site. Browsing and searching are two different kinds of information seeking tasks, and both need to be accommodated in a good information access system.
- Improve the accuracy of search. Search engines need good clues about the topics in a document and their relative importance. By adding subject tags, as well as names of major people, places and things, to the document metadata, you provide additional clues to the search engine about what the major topics in a document might be. That improves relevance ranking.
- Remove "false drops" in search results by "disambiguating" terms. Since words have more than one meaning, a search engine can use categorization to decide which meaning is the right one: If the topic is "politics," an article on rhododendrons won’t be retrieved when you are looking for "Bush."
- Group results lists by topic. A list of documents categorized by topic or by names of people is much more useful than a simple list of documents sorted by relevance, date or title. Users can drill down quickly to what interests them.
- Improve navigation, particularly in e-commerce and product sites, by guiding users to the product they need and eliminating dead ends.
Elle explique ensuite les différents types de classification:
- Clustering
- Rule Writing
- Machine learning systems
- Language or meaning-based systems
- Faceted Navigation
Elle propose enfin quelques éléments vous permettant de choisir entre ces différents types de classification et termine par une liste de 26 sociétés éditant des logiciels de ce type (Autonomy, Clear Forest, Copernic, Zylab,…).