Vous trouverez sur le blog Passing Notes une interview de Laurie Lock Lee,consultant chez CSC, sur l’avenir du web mining. Extraits:
Is scoring or rating information a part of any vendor or research groups prerogative?
The ability to effectively sift garbage is what will separate good WM technologies from poor ones. I would expect that a good WM technology would weight information source credibility within its algorithms.
Are there major trends in WM standardization that you think people should be watching more closely?
XML is already the de-facto standard for improving the ability for machines to interpret textual repositories. I would anticipate that XML will become as pervasive as HTML. We in fact may still see a de facto standard emerge. Recall that HTML blasted onto the landscape when the standard setters were still playing with the HTML superset SGML as a hypertext standard. And who cares about SGML now?