C’est en tout cas ce qu’ont annoncé AOL, Microsoft et Yahoo dans un communiqué paru le 15 juillet.
In an announcement planned for today, the triumvirate will outline a new partnership aimed at spurring greater use of instant messaging at work by tearing down the electronic walls that keep the respective networks separate. To use the new system, companies will have to license new Microsoft network software that will serve as the hub connecting messaging systems operated separately by AOL, Microsoft’s MSN division and Yahoo.
Je suis Dina, chez qui j’ai trouvé l’info, sur les questions que le déploiement massif de solutions d’IM posent aux organisations:
Interesting to see how this emerges … and whether corporates notice the benefits of IM systems that have presence indicators (let us know who’s available, who’s logged in and therefore present in the office, who you could ping for a query), ensure that a response is received, allow records and archiving of conversations. Instead of sending emails, waiting for responses, followed by more emails as reminders, and finally, in some cases, in sheer frustration picking up the phone and making a call, which in any case does not always ensure that you will get a response – what if the person is away from the office. Then bundle it with conferencing facilities and you get a sense of presence that would facilitate real-time and live communication and conversations.