RessourcesCartographieD_Information – RessourcesMoteurRechercheWeb – RessourcesMoteurRecherchePc – Etudes_ – RessourcesCartographieD_Information
Le site K-Praxis propose une petite étude comparative de 4 moteurs de recherche « cartographiques ». Sont passés au crible Grokker, Kartoo, Anacubis et Webbrain. Je reproduis ci-dessous les 7 critères pris en compte:
Information Grouping: The basis for relationship grouping of information results represented by images Spacial and Graphical Organization of Information: Graphing/layering these visually represented information clusters to maximize the attention span of the user User Cues: Guiding users to maximize the navigation capabilities of the visual presentation of information (text labels, notes, etc.) Visualization Type: The type of visualization used Navigation: Being able to navigate from visual search to text base search Image and Information Clutter : The ability to avoid information and image/graphical clutter. Actionable Intelligence : Ability to derive actionable information intelligence through information visualization