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Et puis j’ai rajouté une catégorie musique. Parce que.
Bonne(s) lecture(s)/expérimentation(s)/écoute(s)
45 outils gratuits pour le référencement : SEO Spike par @BlogModerateur
Flashissue : transforme Gmail en outil d’email marketing
TUNS – Twitter Unfollower Notification Service
Whodis (Alpha) : Permet d’ajouter des notes privées à des profils Twitter
Extension pour Chrome et Firefox qui révèle quels tags Facebook ajoute à vos photos
SlideBot – Création automatisée de présentations (design)
Task Pigeon – Outil de gestion de projet et d’équipe
Iconosquare – plateforme d’analytics pour Instagram
Social-feed.js – Agrège les posts d’un utilisateur ou avec hashtag à partir de plusieurs réseaux sociaux (pas de RSS)
10 Great Academic Search Engines for Research Students
PersonalData.IO – Pour demander les infos personnelles détenues par des sociétés tierces
Vous aide à faire de demandes relatives à vos données personnelles aux sociétés du web
13 outils pour utiliser la vidéo en classe – par @OutilsTice
5 alternatives à Slack
What every Browser knows about you
Une bonne prise de conscience!
Timeline. Créer facilement des frises chronologiques – Par @OutilsTice
SocialBlade, une extension Chrome pour voir les stats des vidéos et chaînes Youtube
5 Free IFTTT Alternatives
Fmedia : un logiciel portable pour lire, enregistrer et convertir des fichiers multimédia
Extract Text From Images On Android with Free OCR Apps
Mercury Reader – Extension Chrome qui optimise la lecture en ligne
Liner – Surligner des extraits de page web et le conserver
Chrome Extension To Translate Text To Multiple Languages
How to Use Multiple WhatsApp Accounts on Android
ToutLibre.com ~ Annuaire de logiciels libres, en français de préférence
5 Best Free Open Source Password Managers
3 Tools To Create Your Own Text Adventure Games
RocketReach – Ext Chrome pour extraire des infos des profils LinkedIn
Panda 5 – Agrégateur de flux RSS avec sauvegarde de contenus et prise de notes
Shift – outil qui permet de switcher facilement d’un profil Gmail à un autre
How to turn any website into an #RSS feed with Apifier – via @RssCircus
KnoBis – plateforme de gestion des connaissances
How to build a Twitter content curation machine with @Zapier, @Feedly & @Buffer – via @RssCircus
Teamflo – Gestion de projet et d’équipe orienté temps réel
Emailpet – Aide à la gestion d’emails et automatisation
Tack – Gestion de projet optimisé pour téléphones mobiles
fbrssfeed – générateur de flux RSS pour page Facebook (via @RssCircus)
FindFace permet de rechercher des twittos par reconnaissance faciale
Curated SEO Tools – annuaire d’outils SEO
ShareX – capture et enregistrement d’écran avancé avec partage
Teamtalk – Service de video conférences en ligne (gratuit)
Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List
Economic and industrial espionage at the start of the 21st century – Art. de recherche
Owl Detect : A Dark Web Scanning Service for Stolen Data
Datak : Serious game pour réfléchir à la protection des données personnelles
Watch An Age Restricted YouTube Video Without Signing In By Modifying The URL
Culture américaine : 50 cartes qui analysent les différences en fonction des séries TV
How to Make Better Predictions When You Don’t Have Enough Data
- This is known as Transfer Learning, a field that helps to solve these problems by offering a set of algorithms that identify the areas of knowledge which are “transferable” to the target domain. This broader set of data can then be used to help “train” the model.
- Inglehart and Norris find many similarities between the populist rise in different countries; the same effects of economic insecurity in post-industrial economies and a backlash against diversifying societies have driven the same groups of voters to the ballots.
- Transfer learning thinking suggests that using the 2016 Brexit voting data from the UK could have allowed statisticians to better understand current global turnout and voting trends. A model that considered data from beyond the U.S. thus might have predicted more support for Trump, especially in demographics that share the same anti-immigration views as was recently seen in the UK.
- Transfer learning methods can help the model to overweight the similarities between the U.S. and the German markets, such as population groups that share similar demographic and economic characteristics, and to underweight the dissimilarities. From a business perspective, this will enable decision-makers to simulate the performance of the company in an environment similar to that of the target market.
- Instead of the common techniques of solely using the historical data of the same problem for making predictions, political statisticians and business predictors should also start to use data from similar problems occurring more recently — even if they might not be directly connected. To make the connection between the two problems, transfer learning algorithms help focus the learning process on the more relevant parts of the historical training data.
Des fonds de cartes géographiques éditables pour Powerpoint
Rapport de la Maison Blanche sur l’impact des IA sur les inégalités et l’emploi
- it does warn that with improper handling, automation could drive further inequality in this already deeply divided country.
- In part that increase has been because of a technological fact: that technological innovation, more recently, has helped complement people with higher skills. So we now have a few decades of experience with technology helping to contribute to inequality.”
- Three general strategies are suggested for making the inevitable automation of millions of jobs less impactful on the people doing those jobs.
- Invest in AI.
- “We’ve called for the inclusion of ethics in data science and computer science education to make sure that the technical professionals who are making these decisions are aware of the implications of what they’re doing and are equipped with tools to address these issues,”
- Educate and train for the jobs of the future
- If the United States fails to improve at educating children and retraining adults with the skills needed in an increasingly AI-driven economy, the country risks leaving millions of Americans behind and losing its position as the global economic leader.
- Reinforce the safety net
- With a new technology threatening to produce huge numbers of displaced workers, it behooves us to invest in unemployment and healthcare to make sure these people can stay on their feet while finding or training for the next opportunity.
- The winner-take-most nature of information technology markets means that only a few may come to dominate markets. If labor productivity increases do not translate into wage increases, then the large economic gains brought about by AI could accrue to a select few.
- In other words, if we don’t make sure that AI is working for everybody, you can be damn sure a handful of people are going to make it work for them.
B.B. King – Blues Boys Tune (From B.B. King – Live at Montreux 1993)
Led Zeppelin – Kashmir – Celebration Day
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