OutilsRenseignement – OutilsCartographieD_Information – RessourcesCartographieD_Information
Voici un article passionant qui explique comment les renseignements US en place à Bagdad utilisent des outils jusqu’alors reservés aux enquêtes criminelles pour lutter contre le terrorisme.
Les logiciels de cartographie relationnelle Analyst’s Notebook d’I2 et Crimelink sont notamment utilisés pour tenter de prévoir les attaques:
« We’re seeing patterns emerge. There are certain neighborhoods you don’t want to be out in, or there’s a better likelihood you’ll be attacked, » Devan said. « You try to predict what the enemy’s going to do next. We try to cut him off at the knees. »
Ainsi ils ont pu remarquer que:
Analysts have compared attack clusters with weather and other data to pick up interesting clues. Intelligence analysts struggling to find a pattern among seemingly random nightly mortar attacks compared attack histories with a chart showing the phases of the moon, and learned the attacks tend to come bunched on nights when the moon is fullest.
« They need moon illumination with their mortars especially, » Devan said. « The database tracks all these events. »
ASAS (All Source Analysis System), un moteur de recherche pluggé sur les bases de données de nombreuses sources des rservices de renseignement US est utilisé pour identifier les suspects:
The 1st Armored Division also uses a search engine called ASAS, or All Source Analysis System, which allows intelligence analysts to plumb all Iraqi suspect databases simultaneously, — including those kept by the other U.S. military units here. Analysts can then retrieve satellite imagery, names, personal details and fingerprints.