Léger Iceberg intelligence économique de fin de semaine :
Aux Etats-Unis, l’existence d’un cluster est en général associée à la création de start-ups issues de la recherche scientifique universitaire ou de laboratoires de recherche. Pour permettre cette création de richesse, les établissements d’enseignement supérieur d’une région donnée doivent avant tout disposer de solides opérations de transferts de technologie.
Competitive Intelligence: Know Thy Competitor Well
Belle liste d’outils SEO pour analyser les actions de ses concurrents en ligne.
How Admob Brings Google Important Competitive Intelligence
With the acquisition of Admob, Google now has access to usage data of many of the most popular mobile apps — especially the apps in the iTunes App Store. For iPhones. If Google is taking on Apple for mobile OS market share, it just scored a huge competitive advantage. Google will know more details than ever about how people are using iPhone apps, how they are engaging with advertising within those apps, and users’ loyalty to those apps.
DARPA: Inventing this side of the impossible
Un livre consacré à la Darpa vient de sortir.
Remarkably, DARPA doesn’t own any of these labs. Its minimally bureaucratic three-level chain of command has gone essentially unchanged over the years. It works like this: the agency’s director recruits a small staff of specialist programme managers to dream up far-fetched future technologies; the programme managers invite applications from engineers; the winning contractors frantically work to get results in the tight requisite time-frame of three to five years.
« The best DARPA programme managers, I swear, are science fiction writers. »
A programme manager working on the robotic trauma-theatre tells Belfiore he got ideas for projects from sci-fi he had read in his 1950s childhood, and invited contemporary sci-fi writers to give seminars to help inspire DARPA engineers.
although he does refer to the « considerable amounts » spent on psychic spying in the 1970s.
Belfiore does a good job of exploring the sunny side of the moon that is DARPA, but we still don’t know what’s lurking on the dark side.
SEO Competitive Intelligence: apprenez de vos concurrents
Traduction par Antoine Leroux d’un texte paru dans le Search Engine Journal
Article intéressant sur les signaux faibles et pourquoi nous ne leur accordons pas plus d’attention.
- The November 1941 breakdown in negotiations regarding the oil embargo of Japan that the US had initiated four months earlier
- An abrupt and massive change in Japanese codes and call signals in the early days of December 1941, including the required burning of all confidential and secret documents in embassies around the world
- Unusual movements of Japanese submarines near Pearl Harbor in the days and weeks before the attack
Wohlstetter, then a history professor at Stanford, devotes most of the book to exploring in detail the myriad warning signals that preceded the event. A great many of these clues were made possible by the fact that the US had previously broken the Japanese diplomatic codes. They included:
Can technology do competitive intelligence for you?
Ne pas mettre la charrue avant les boeufs. Le software arrive après.
My advice for insurance companies, brokers and advisors is to wait until your function is well underway so that you build or purchase a tool that supports the process and infrastructure you’ve established to support your intelligence needs.
It is helpful to review and leverage software that is currently utilized within your firm. Examples of software that can be tapped into for intelligence purposes can include tools that manage the sales process, trip reports to distributors and/or insurers and CRM.
Le traitement sémantique de l’information en appui à l’informatique décisionnelle (BI) pour tester des hypothèses et explorer des scénarios.