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Automate Your Content Curation with Slack, #RSS and Buffer
How to Install Tor Browser in a Flash Drive
Bien utiliser la troncature dans Google Scholar (et Google)
Creative people physically see and process the world differently | New Scientist
- They seem to have a more flexible gate for the visual information that breaks through into their consciousness
- The findings also hint at why extremely open people are more prone to paranoia and delusions, says Niko Tiliopoulos at the University of Sydney, Australia. “At those levels of openness, people may actually see reality differently,” he says. “For example, they may ‘see’ spirits, or misinterpret interpersonal or other signals.”
- Antinori next wants to see if similar neural processes are involved in mixed perception, creative thinking and the shifts in visual perception caused by psilocybin and meditation. “It seems that openness alters the filter of consciousness, and we’d like to know how,” she says.
Computer Science Reveals 4 Secrets That Will Make You Happy
- When balancing favorite experiences and new ones, nothing matters as much as the interval over which we plan to enjoy them.
- The basic principle is this: the effort expended on sorting materials is just a preemptive strike against the effort it’ll take to search through them later. What the precise balance should be depends on the exact parameters of the situation, but thinking about sorting as valuable only to support future search tells us something surprising: Err on the side of messiness. Sorting something that you will never search is a complete waste; searching something you never sorted is merely inefficient.
- Since underthinking and overthinking can both produce lousy results, boundaries are essential. When good information is scarce and you have a high degree of uncertainty, use “early stopping.”
- Set a time limit on how much you’re going to think about a problem and when that expires, pull the trigger. Just make the best decision you can.
- The greater the uncertainty, the bigger the gap between what you can measure and what matters, the more you should watch out for overfitting— that is, the more you should prefer simplicity, and the earlier you should stop. When you’re truly in the dark, the best-laid plans will be the simplest.
- it’s called an “optimal stopping problem.”
- Minimize regret and maximize happiness: How much time will you have to “exploit”? If it’s a lot, spend more time “exploring.” If time is short, emphasize “exploiting.”
- Organizing your office: Err on the side of messiness. Searching often beats sorting. But “cache” the stuff you frequently use with piles. (Apologies to Martha Stewart.)
- Prevent overthinking: Use “early stopping.” Set a time limit for deciding and pull the trigger.
- Find your dream home: Look noncommittally for 37% of your search time. Remember the best and grab the first place that tops that one. (Also works for finding parking spots.)
Les IA qui travaillent sur le langage héritent de nos préjugés racistes et sexistes – Tech – Numerama
- « Ici, nous montrons que l’application de l’apprentissage machine au langage humain ordinaire entraîne des biais sémantiques humains, résument les chercheurs Aylin Caliskan, Joanna Bryson et Arvind Narayanan. Nous avons reproduit un certain nombre de biais connus, mesurés par le Test d’association implicite, en utilisant un modèle d’apprentissage machine, largement utilisé et purement statistique, formé sur un corpus de texte standard du World Wide Web. »
- l’analyse des corpus de textes qui ont servi d’échantillon à l’étude amène les chercheurs à dresser le constat suivant : ils sont le reflet de nos propres préjugés, qu’ils soient neutres ou plus problématiques, notamment quand ils touchent à des questions d’apparence physique ou de genre.
- « L’idée générale selon laquelle les corpus de texte capturent la sémantique, y compris des des stéréotypes culturels et des associations empiriques, est connue depuis longtemps dans la linguistique des corpus »,
- les intelligences artificielles sont toutes potentiellement capables d’apprendre automatiquement nos propres stéréotypes culturels.
How Companies Are Already Using AI – HBR
Source Like a Mad Scientist: Targeting Innovators Through Free Patent Sites
Réussir sa veille stratégique : méthodologie et expertise humaine, le duo gagnant – par @BFoenix
Easily Remove Aggressive Malware With These 7 Tools
PressForward — Plugin WordPress pour agréger flux RSS et faire de la curation
Bloomberg – Ext. Chrome & iOS qui ajoute infos complémentaires (personnes, organisations) aux articles de presse
8 Best Instagram Marketing Tools For 2017: Scheduling, Automation, And More
SyFeed RSS Reader – agrégateur d’actus et de flux RSS
Savvit.io – capture et gestion de posts #Reddit
How to Make a Great Twitter List & Turn it Into a Newsletter
30 générateurs de nuages de mots-clés – par @id_veille
Doubletick – tracking de vos emails pour Gmail et Gsuite
Highly Highlighter – Ext Chrome & Android pour surligner et collecter des contenus en ligne
SaneBox – service permettant la gestion et le nettoyage de son webmail
5 open source RSS feed readers
How To Bulk Convert PDF To CSV Files In Windows 10
LaciCloud – Stockage de fichier dans le cloud basé sur protocole FTP
SharingSector – partage de fichiers lourds
MiPurpose – gestion de tâche avec objectifs
Un service qui semble très complet
Coorsy – moteur de recherche de MOOC’s
Google Can Remember Things for You
Coldsweat: Web RSS aggregator and reader compatible with the Fever API
ImpactStory – indicateurs de l’impact d’articles scientifiques sur les médias sociaux
5 Better Alternatives to Pocket That Bookmark Anything for Later
Générateur de mots-clés
Worlds Best Secure Email Providers – 6 services listés
Allan Hodsworth, un grand guitariste de rock et jazz disparu cette semaine, source d’inspiration pour beaucoup d’autres.
Une version live déchaînée de Beating around the bush d’AC/DC, fin des années 70 mais pas après 1980 donc…
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