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Semantic Intelligence | Web 2.0 Journal
Semantic intelligence provides early identification and analysis of consumer sentiment, purchasing trends, market deals, and competitive information – and uncovers this data not only from within a organization’s network, but also from the most unstructured corners of the Web.
Merging Data for Better Decisions Under Pressure
Les ingénieurs de MITRE ont mis au point un système de prise de décision collaboratives en temps réel pour les militaires qui sont sur le terrain. Il est basé sur du chat et des mécanismes de traitement automatique du langage. Impressionant. Comme souvent les applications militaires de gestion de l’information et des connaissances sont très en avance sur les applications civiles.
« No one person has all the information or resources needed to make a decision. One person manages the intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance [ISR] assets, such as a Predator unmanned aircraft taking video. Others are determining what weapons platforms can be diverted. Meanwhile, still others are working out the rules of engagement, the potential consequences of using available assets for a new purpose, and of course, the possible threat to friendly forces. »
« Yet it’s critical to be able to make an assessment quickly when there’s a chance to carry out the mission. Group processes are becoming more dependent on collaborative technologies. »
Their ultimate goal is to enhance the communication flow and knowledge sharing that’s critical among various partiesincluding intelligence sources and the militaryas they carry out their missions.
Its main tenet is that an increase in power is achieved by networking sensors, decision makers, and shooters into a shared awareness for information superioritythat is, getting the right information to the right place at the right level of precision and accuracy, at the right time.
With map displays and other technology also vying for operators’ attention, it is easy to miss an important request or response due to data overload.
During the first year of research, a MITRE team of four engineers developed a Dynamic Chat Manager (DCM)
« The open source tool we use collects and displays social networks, » Goodman explains. Meanwhile, the team also developed complementary algorithms that ferret out particularly relevant, important members of a given social network. Such « who’s who » information is vital when the pressure is on to find relevant information quickly.
« There are three features to this high-level view, » Boiney states. « First, the tool reveals which rooms are becoming active with a lot of message traffic. If a room suddenly heats up, users want to detect this because it indicates that something important might be happening. »
The next feature to DCM is that it monitors for operator-specified keywords across chat rooms. High-level keyword alerts are provided even for chat windows that are minimized, so the operator knows to go check that chat room.
Third, the DCM has a « smart » feature built in, whereby it builds a user’s social network by learning over time who is in contact and whose input is valued. « These real-time dynamic ‘cues’ provide more context for the chat data flows so users can find what they need, while reducing overload and distractions, »
The DCM project takes place within MITRE’s corporate research program as an Air Force-supported Mission-Oriented Investigation and Experimentation project.
The MITRE team has deployed the DCM prototype at three military operational exercises. In spring 2008, it was tested with subject matter experts at Virtual Flag, a large combat employment exercise conducted in a virtual battlespace, designed to provide operational and tactical warfighter training in a combat environment.
« Commanders and warfighters found the information very useful. »
« We would eventually like to integrate other types of communication, such as audio chat and workflow tools, » Goodman notes. « Theyre commonly used in other military domains, such as those focused on countering improvised explosive devices. »
Audio hotspotting is a method of automatically extracting data from audio streams, using audio-based query algorithms. « We will use it to detect keywords, and we also hope to use speaker identification technology to determine who is speaking during an audio chat, » he says. « We could use that information to feed into our social network algorithms. »
SSRN-The Wiki and the Blog: Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community by D. Andrus
Supporting tools for patent information
25 outils et services pour la recherche de brevets. Manque de liens directs.
Wikipedia for Spies: The CIA Discovers Web 2.0 – TIME
After three years, Intellipedia is humming. It operates in three spheres: unclassified, secret and top secret, with top secret being the most active, boasting 439,387 pages and 57,248 user accounts. Intellipedia is largely managed by volunteers and patrolled by « shepherds » who keep track of individual pages in their areas of expertise.
Mind Map: Competitive Intelligence
La taxonomie de la competitive intelligence sous forme de mindmap.
Quand la France disparaît du monde | Infoguerre
La disparition de la France du monde nest pas un événement brutal et tonitruant. Elle se produit en douceur, par un effacement progressif de la carte du monde
Competitive intelligence toolkit
Article qui décrit trois méthodes d’aide à l’analyse en competitive intelligence
Faster, Better Patent Processing
Un article sur PATExpert, un logiciel de traitement sémantique des brevets innovant.
Huge backlogs change the nature of the patenting system and create ambiguities which can be exploited in ways unforeseen by those who established the patent system,
In some areas of life, semantics are often seen as hair-splitting distractions. This is certainly not the case when it comes to information management technology, suggest researchers in the EU-funded PATExpert project.
In fact, the semantic web a more powerful internet in which, in the words of Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the WorldWide Web, machines talk to machines can help streamline and speed up patent processing.
the project has developed a multimedia content representation system for the retrieval, classification and multilingual generation of concise patent information, as well as for assessment and visualisation of patent material to meet the needs of all users, including patent examiners and inventors.
The implications of the use of semantic technologies in the patent domain are far-reaching, says Wanner. Semantic technologies used in PATExpert facilitate access to the contents of patent documentation and, thus, improve the accuracy of search, analysis and valuing to mention just a few applications.
Capture Competitor & Market Intelligence through Elicitation
Le webinar d’Ellen Naylor consacré à l’élicitation est accessible gratuitement via cette page.
IPVision, magnifique service de recherche et d’analyse cartographique de brevets. A réserver toutefois à des initiés.
Trade Data Use: Competitive Intelligence
Zepol est une société US qui propose à ses clients d’analyser finement les imports-exports de leurs concurrents afin d’en tirer des données décisionnelles.Approche intéressante.
Une Google Map des risques pays.
Paper urges DOD strategy for Web 2.0
L’armée US encouragée par un rapport à passer en mode 2.0.
The Defense Department needs to develop a strategy for using social-networking software to achieve its mission goals, according to an advance copy of a paper written by security researchers at the DOD-funded National Defense University (NDU).
As in the private sector, starting with a strategy for using social software that includes vision and planning will form a foundation for both downstream tactics and upstream organizational changes and cultural buy-in. »
The research is an effort to conduct an inventory of available social media technologies, identify impediments to DOD personnel using such software, engage with the private sector and advise senior DOD leaders.
They concluded that DOD should encourage the use of such tools. However, they also said that before pressing for widespread adoption, officials must address strategic, tactical and operational issues.
The Army Trains a Skeptics Corps to Battle Groupthink
Comment l’armée US utilise le concept de Red Team pour envisager chaque situation sous un angle différent.
« We want them to understand that their view of the world is very narrow, » says Bob Topping, who develops the curriculum at the university. « We look at the world through a straw. We’re shielded; our borders are protected, » he adds. « Very few countries have had this luxury. »
The point is to expose officers to a subject they think they know very well, like baseball, and turn it on its head. « Then, » he adds, « we ask what are some other ways you can look at problemswhether you use western, eastern, or competitive modelsthat you haven’t before? That’s the task of the Red Teamer. »
While the military has a tradition of questioning the commander’s concept of an operationNapoleon would ask a corporal to challenge his war plans for understandability, for example »what we don’t have anywhere is the discrete capacity for looking at the plan from alternate points of view, » says Fontenot.
« Once a leader is assigned to us, soldiers need to believe in them, » says Ragland. « You can’t have somebody questioning whether they should really attack that machine gun nest. »
How can the program’s graduates be team players but still maintain their objectivity? In essence, adds Baumann, « can you effectively Red Team for a long period of time in a given organization? »
Cours competitive intelligence
Un cours en 2 parties sur la competitive intelligence.
Enable Sales to Elicit Market Intelligence
Article qui explique (brièvement) comment les commerciaux peuvent recueillir des informations utiles grâce aux techniques d’élicitation.
Cassandra prend toutes les l’informations pour détecter le délit d’initiés
Pour lutter contre la fraude financière, il est nécessaire de veiller en permanence sur la régularité des opérations effectuées sur le marché. L’université de Sunderland travaille sur un logiciel capable de faire office d’observateur et de traquer automatiquement les délits d’initiés.
Pour lutter contre la fraude financière, il est nécessaire de veiller en permanence sur la régularité des opérations effectuées sur le marché. L’université de Sunderland travaille sur un logiciel capable de faire office d’observateur et de traquer automatiquement les délits d’initiés.
Pour y parvenir, il combine des solutions d’intelligence artificielle avec des techniques d’analyse des marchés, des titres des journaux et des sites des entreprises cotées pour repérer les opérations frauduleuses. Le but est de faire comprendre au prototype le contexte de la fluctuation des marchés afin de ne pas s’arrêter aux simples chiffres publiés.
Il intégrera aussi les actualités publiées sur les sites des entreprises cotées pour vérifier quelles sont les informations accessibles aux employés.
Russian Innovations in Business Intelligence
Un article qui donne un aperçu de ce qui se fait en veille sur le web en Russie.
Les héroïques décrypteuses d’Enigma sortent de l’ombre | Monde | Actu | Tribune de Genève
Hitler leur doit une part de sa défaite face aux Alliés. Et Churchill une part de son prestige militaire. Mais jusqu’à cette semaine, les «craqueuses du code secret des machines Enigma» étaient restées des personnages de fiction. A elles aussi on doit beaucoup.
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