RessourcesGestionDuTemps – RessourcesKnowledgeWorker
David Allen a annoncé hier qu’il allait publier sur un blog du quotidien en ligne The Huffington Post une nouvelle série d’articles reprenant l’ensemble des étapes de la célébrissime méthode de gestion du temps qu’il a mise au point :
Here are some of the things I can help you with:
Capturing anything and everything that has your attention
Defining actionable things discretely into outcomes and concrete next steps
Organizing reminders and information in the most streamlined way, in
appropriate categories, based on how and when you need to access them
Keeping current and "on your game" with appropriately frequent
reviews of the six horizons of your commitments (purpose, vision,
goals, areas of focus, projects, and actions)My column on the Huffington Post will explore each of those steps,
in detail and with real-world examples, in the coming weeks, with
simple advice for how to work (and live!), in that more efficient and
productive way.
L’occasion d’une bonne séance de rattrapage pour ceux qui auraient raté le coche et d’une petite révision pour les autres (moi par exemple), qui ont parfois un peu de mal à assurer la revue des tâches hebdomadaire.