RessourcesBlogs – Etudes_ – RessourcesRss
Quatre consultants de chez Morgan Stanley viennent de sortir un document de 24 pages qui est un véritable acte de foi dans les blogs, le format Rss et leur capacité à "faire de l’argent". En voici quelques articles:
- We believe the propagation of syndicated Web content will be driven, in part, by Web-based applications. For example, while desktop applications like NetNewsWire technology may not necessarily be the future standard for syndication; simply, we feel that RSS has become shorthand for syndication, in the same way that MP3 was shorthand for digital audio for the longest time. We believe that the simplicity of RSS is reminiscent of the simple user experience popularized by Google Search.
- We believe advertising and fees for syndicated content present a potential business opportunity for the Internet leaders and content providers.
- We believe the syndication of media/news sources will very likely create another market for sponsored/targeted online advertising.
- RSS and syndication work admirably well for text feeds, but we believe a natural extension of the format could be to images, audio and video.
- We believe this is the promise of RSS or future syndication technology, and many publishers (especially bloggers) would welcome more exposure to the mainstream.
C’est à se demander si ce ton quasi religieux a quelquechose à voir avec le résultats des dernières élections. En tous les cas l’analyse est intéressante et prometteuse.