RessourcesMobilite – RessourcesKnowledgeWorker – Etudes_
C’est ce que révèle une étude de l’opérateur Telia menée sur plus de 3600 employés. Plus de 70% des sondés souhaitent que leur société investisse plus dans les solutions permettant le travail à distance. On y apprend aussi que :
Good network coverage for their mobile phone was the most important thing for increasing availability this summer, answered 57% of the people in the survey, followed by remote access to the company intranet (42%), e-mail to their mobile phone (40%) and broadband at home (37%).
Four out of ten in the survey believe there would be no technical problems working remotely. Thirty percent want more support when they connect by broadband or their mobile phone, and 22 percent want more help in accessing their company’s intranet.