RessourcesCartographieD_Information – OutilsCartographieD_Information – OutilsSocialSoftwareNetwork
Jeffrey Heer, un étudiant de l’Université de Berkeley, propose un papier intéressant sur Vizster, un outil qu’il a développé et qui permet de cartographier des réseaux relationnels créés dans un des multiples services de Social Software Network de type Orkut, Friendster ou Tribe.
Vizster provides a visualization of such services, providing an interactive sociogram for exploring the links between network members. In addition to visualizing « friendship » linkages, Vizster supports a range of exploratory search features, providing visualization of the rich profile data characteristic of these services, and which traditional sociograms [3] are not designed to communicate. The current application visualizes a « snowball » sample of the popular friendster [4] social networking service, encompassing over 1.5 million profiles and the linkages between them, roughly a quarter of active friendster users at the time of writing.
On imagine le potentiel d’un tel outil dans des mains mal intentionnées.