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Voici un long article intitulé Manifesto for collaborative tools, paru dans le vénérable magazine US Dr Dobbs. Son auteur EugeneEricKim, co-fondateur du cabinet Blue Oxen Associates y développe une vision des outils collaboratifs à laquelle je ne peux qu’adhérer totalement. Voici les quelques directions qu’il donne pour l’avenir dans un chapitre intitulé Roadmap for the future:
- Be people-centric. This applies both to how we design our tools and how we market them.
- Be willing to collaborate. We all belong to a community of like-minded tool developers, whether or not we are aware of it. Working together will both strengthen this community and improve our tools.
- Create a shared language. Our tools share more similarities than we may think. Conversing with our fellow tool builders helps reveal those similarities; creating a shared language makes those similarities apparent to all. As a shared language evolves, a shared conceptual framework for collaborative tools will emerge, revealing opportunities for improving the interoperability of our tools.
- Keep improving. Improvement is an ongoing process. Introducing new efficiencies changes the way we collaborate, which, in turn, creates new opportunities to improve our tools.