RessourcesSocialSoftwareNetwork – RessourcesSocialSoftwareEtBusiness
2 récents articles d’Eweek reviennent sur l’entrée des logiciels sociaux (Social Software Network)dans les entreprises. Le département le plus visé est évidemment celui des forces de vente mais plusieurs prestataires s’orientent également vers la gestion globale de la relation client (CRM)
Pendant ce temps et après un an d’usage intensif Stuart Henshall, « early adopter » de ces technos à titre personnel, dit sa désillusion face à ces services qu’il a testé dans le détail et évoque les raisons de sa déception:
Mobility: These systems are static, don’t integrate well with our cellphones and our SMS or what is to come in this arena. PDA’s with Pocket Presence etc.
Presence: A few like Tribe provide some indication of presence. However have you ever been there where there are more than one or two people that you know online at the same time? Ecademy provides another method. None of these enable quick voice brokering. Although there is an Ecademy group that has experimented with that. IM already does this.
Voice: More than half of all knowledge is communicated verbally. These systems aren’t adding in the additional cues. (If you want to see a great piece on this read Tom Coates). Skype uses both presence and Voice Quality to really change the game and the location — integrated with the PC.
Conferencing Calling: 2004 will see the introduction of effective VoIP voice conferencing at effectively zero cost. This will have significant impact on knowledge sharing, networking. and getting to the right questions quickly.
Buddy Lists: IM is accelerating. IM is displacing e-mail. IM redefines addresses, personas, and access. Expect to see some RSS in with IM. Buddies want to sell a car… just blog it. All your buddies see it. Buddy broadcast. It’s already done with SMS messaging.
Blogs: Is TypePad not in the Ryze social networking business? From what I’ve seen everyone there can have a profile / about me section in minutes. Feedster provides another example of networking around content. Just search the blogs for « social software« .
Search: I think we are going to want to capture the searches that personally network us with people we want to connect with or who are also investigating an area. I’m also surprised that Google doesn’t make it easy to link a search that returns a link to a blog to an IM opportunity. Makes even more sense in large corporate databases. Would that make it a decentralized Ask Jeeves?
Autant de remarques constructives pour les éditeurs et de critères à prendre en compte pour les entreprises qui seraient intéressées par ces outils.